Roads of Germany. Saxony
After overnight stay in Złotoryja, we continue our way to the West. "Golden" river Kaczawa, which we crossed just outside the city, just does not impress what it is El Dorado.

At the green fields here and there are huge stacks of hay pellets.

Well, this is Germany. Only by the presence of wind turbines from the window of the bus to determine that we crossed the border. However, now it is not an indicator in Poland recently got their wind turbines.

Well even on such artificial ozertem roadsides, occurring only in Germany. In France also you can see the artificial lakes along the roads, but they are pools with concrete shores. The purpose of them, I think, is the drainage of groundwater from beneath the road surface, in places where there are too many.

in Addition to a huge wind generators, small windmills, pumping water for irrigation.

At Home the trees are still bare, and the season of bloom.

Saxony Soil considered the most fertile in the whole of Germany, smooth landscapes and forests a bit, because agriculture is the backbone of the economy.

Endless blooming rapeseed fields give the landscape a unique look.

Field crossed by power lines, collecting energy from wind turbines.

Well developed not only agriculture but also livestock.

the Capital of Saxony - Dresden, we saw only bypass road,

little hooking outskirts, walled off from the noise of cars transparent screens.